Feasibility study for rural electrification in the Sofala province, Mozambique.

Date: 2004 – 2006
Client: SCR International
Location: Mozambique
Outcome: The general assignment relates to the Energy Sector Program Support (ESPS) signed between the governments of Denmark and Mozambique, which has a key focus on using energy as an instrument for poverty alleviation. The more specific task entails a ‘post-feasibility’ assessment which will enable Danida to decide whether or not to fund the initiative. Restio Energy was principally responsible for reviewing additional activities that will enhance the social and economic benefits derived from the provision of electricity.

The Productive Use Container

Date: 2005 – 2007
Client: Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS), Nuon (Dutch Utility) and Novib (Oxfam Netherlands)
Location: South Africa (KwaZulu-Natal)
Outcome: Restio Energy was the project manager of the Productive Use Container initiative which saw the development and implementation of 6 Productive Use Containers (PUCs). The PUC concept was developed by Restio Energy and E+Co to demonstrate the capacity of renewable energy to support micro- and small enterprise. The PUC has been developed as a small business package aimed at addressing the range of barriers to the development of sustainable SMEs. In addition to supplying modern energy (PV solar), the containerised business solution includes market opportunity analysis, business skills development, secure business premises, mentoring, finance etc.

Energy Access Project – Lesotho

Date: 2007 – 2008
Client: European Union Energy Initiative/GTZ
Location: Lesotho
Outcome: The overall objective of this project is to significantly improve access to clean, reliable and affordable energy for cooking, lighting and productive use in rural and peri-urban areas of Lesotho. The immediate objective is a detailed, implementable programme describing how energy needs of the low-income groups in rural and peri-urban areas of Lesotho can be supplied with reliable and affordable modern energy forms, including possibilities for the productive use of energy. Restio Energy was sub-contracted to PDC to specifically look at productive use opportunities.

Renewable and Hybrid Energy Access Project: Developing a Sustainability Framework

Date: 2007 – 2009
Client: South African National Energy Research Institute (SANERI)/Energy Development Corporation
Location: South Africa
Outcome: The aim of the project is to develop a management framework for Productive Use Renewable Energy (PURE) services that address the existing sustainability questions relating to technology, income generation, finance and administration. The initiative also produced an Action Plan that detailed the steps required to develop an enabling environment for PURE businesses.

Productive Use of Renewable Energy Portal

The Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE) Portal was created to allow individuals and organisations engaged and interested in PURE to gain and share knowledge. The potential contribution of PURE to poverty alleviation and renewable energy mainstreaming makes it an area of great importance for all engaged in development and clean energy. Although this site has a Southern African focus, particular international activities that are of relevance have been included.

The portal not only allows users to access information on PURE projects and studies from around the globe, but it also allows users to actively engage with each other on PURE-related topics through the creation of an online community.Please feel free to explore the rest of the portal using the navigation menu below.

If you have any articles/events that  might be of relevance, please submit them to Wikus Kruger.

You are also more than welcome to contact him concerning any queries you might have.