Productive Use of Renewable Energy Portal

The Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE) Portal was created to allow individuals and organisations engaged and interested in PURE to gain and share knowledge. The potential contribution of PURE to poverty alleviation and renewable energy mainstreaming makes it an area of great importance for all engaged in development and clean energy. Although this site has a Southern African focus, particular international activities that are of relevance have been included.

The portal not only allows users to access information on PURE projects and studies from around the globe, but it also allows users to actively engage with each other on PURE-related topics through the creation of an online community.Please feel free to explore the rest of the portal using the navigation menu below.

If you have any articles/events that  might be of relevance, please submit them to Wikus Kruger.

You are also more than welcome to contact him concerning any queries you might have.