International Consultant on a UNDP project in Thailand

2012, Client: UNDP, Thailand: International Consultant on a UNDP project in Thailand focused on promoting renewable energy in Mae Hong Son province.  The project is designed to overcome barriers (access to finance, technology, awareness & policy) to increasing use of renewable energy in Thailand. Responsible for leading the mid-term evaluation of the programme.

Evaluation on behalf of GVEP-I of the Deepening Energy Enterprise Programme (DEEP) in East Africa

2012, Client: Deepening Energy Enterprise Programme (DEEP), Kenya, Uganda & Tanzania: Robert undertook a terminal evaluation on behalf of GVEP-I of the Deepening Energy Enterprise Programme (DEEP) in East Africa. Countries included in the programme are Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. DEEP aims to promote and support access to modern energy through energy based enterprises.

Understanding the challenges of providing thermal energy services in rural areas of Africa.

2013-2016, Client: Sustainable Thermal Energy Partnership(STEPs), South Africa: Sustainable Thermal Energy Service Partnership (STEPs); Restio Energy is part of a consortium of businesses and institutions focusing on understanding the challenges of providing thermal energy services in rural areas of Africa. This 3 year initiative funded by EPSRC/DFID/DECC includes University College London, Sustainable Energy Associates, Econola as well as the University of Southampton

Review of the off-grid household population in the Eastern Cape

2011-2013: Client: Department of Energy and KfW, South Africa: Robert was contracted by the Department of Energy and Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW) to undertake a review of the off-grid household population in the Eastern Cape and to develop a sustainable platform for integrating grid and off-grid electrification (SHS) planning at the regional, District and Local Municipality level. The client is Department of Energy and KfW.