The Integrated Rural Energy Utility (IREU): Making energy service delivery more sustainable

Date: 2007 – 2009
Client: Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)
Location: Tanzania, Uganda, South Africa and Kenya
Outcome: The IREU investigated the feasibility, practicalities and requirements of establishing integrated models for energy service delivery in rural areas. Rural areas are notoriously difficult to service, being characterised by scattered settlements, high unemployment, poor infrastructure, etc. The study reviewed various energy service delivery models in South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda and Kenya, investigating the feasibility of integrating grid and off-grid service options. A prominent consideration for off-grid energy services included LPG, a well positioned thermal fuel which, when accompanied by PV electricity, presents a complete and distributed household/institutional energy solution.

Develop a sustainable business plan for a PV/Diesel Mini-Grid

Date: 2010
Client: Desert Research Foundation Namibia
Location: Namibia (Tsumkwe)

Outcome: Restio Energy has been subcontracted by OneWorld Sustainable Investments to lead the project on their behalf. The task involves developing a sustainable business/operational model that protects the assets, offers an accessible and reliable service and promotes economic activity in the area. Part of the project looks specifically at using LPG as an option for managing electricity demand and promoting more practical energy options for distributed households.

Kigoma PV project initiative, Tanzania

Date: 2010/11
Client: Millennium Challenge Account – Tanzania
Location: Tanzania
Outcome: The project focuses on developing a sustainable Solar PV delivery solution for the Kigoma Region, including solar home systems (household/businesses), Pico PV lighting systems (household), institutional (schools and clinics), small enterprises etc. The project requires us to understand current energy use demands and to facilitate – through marketing and finance – a transition from non-renewable to renewable (PV) energy solutions. The objectives are two-fold: determine the viability in a pre-selected target area, and design commercially-oriented, simple, implementable solar PV programs for Households (Solar Home Systems), Public Institutions (Schools, Clinics) and Productive Use Applications (Businesses, Small Industries etc.)

Mid-term evaluation of the Developing Energy Enterprises Project – East Africa

Date: 2011
Client: The Global Village Energy Partnership International (GVEP)
Location: Kenya, Tanzania & Uganda

Outcome: The Developing Energy Enterprises Project (DEEP) aims to increase access to improved and clean energy services for close to 2 million people across East Africa through establishing and developing energy enterprises. The mid-term evaluation of this 5-year project not only reviews the current status of the project ¬vis-à-vis its stated objectives, but also advises project management and partners on strategic interventions needed to achieve the original goals and targets and use resources efficiently.

Productive Use of Renewable Energy Portal

The Productive Use of Renewable Energy (PURE) Portal was created to allow individuals and organisations engaged and interested in PURE to gain and share knowledge. The potential contribution of PURE to poverty alleviation and renewable energy mainstreaming makes it an area of great importance for all engaged in development and clean energy. Although this site has a Southern African focus, particular international activities that are of relevance have been included.

The portal not only allows users to access information on PURE projects and studies from around the globe, but it also allows users to actively engage with each other on PURE-related topics through the creation of an online community.Please feel free to explore the rest of the portal using the navigation menu below.

If you have any articles/events that  might be of relevance, please submit them to Wikus Kruger.

You are also more than welcome to contact him concerning any queries you might have.